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College Lecture

Doctoral Scholar

Graduate Scholar

Open only to U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents.



[note: click here for a printable pdf of this information]  

[note: click here for the required Letter of Recommendation Form]

Program Description

The HEALTH–FAST Program is designed to enhance the education and training of Doctoral Scholars with a particular focus on encouraging individuals who are from low-income households, low-resourced communities, or are first-generation college graduates. The program offers cutting-edge educational activities and transformative hands-on research and developmental experiences.


Doctoral Scholars will receive education and experiences that are designed to facilitate their graduation and strengthen their national competitiveness to secure a postdoctoral fellowship
in addiction sciences and/or faculty research position in an academic or medical setting. The HEALTH–FAST Program offers outstanding training opportunities, including:


  • HEALTH–FAST seminars on alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use designed to develop
    in-depth and cutting-edge knowledge in substance abuse and its associations with chronic diseases. The upcoming year’s focus is on tobacco and other drug co-use related research.

  • Mentored substance-abuse research project. Doctoral trainees can work with their mentors who will provide hands-on research experience, or will be matched with a faculty mentor for a research project (if needed).

  • HEALTH–FAST Research Rounds to refine future research ideas, advance research methods, and enhance the trainees’ presentation skills.

  • Professional development seminars to enhance resiliency and retention in a research career.

  • Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training.



  • HEALTH–FAST Doctoral trainees must be full-time doctoral students with two or more years remaining in their degree plans at the time of application.

  • Applicants must have at least a bachelor’s degree from an accredited domestic or foreign academic institution.

  • Applicants should be in excellent academic standing as measured by adequate degree progress relative to program milestones.

  • Applicants should not be gainfully employed >10 hours a week in a position or should be willing to relinquish it in order to fully participate in HEALTH–FAST programming while maintaining full-time academic status.

  • This fellowship is only available to U.S. citizens and permanent residents.



  • Doctoral scholars receive competitive monthly stipends with the expectation that they
    will work 20 hours on their mentored research projects and engagement in other
    HEALTH–FAST programming.


Terms of the Award

  • Doctoral trainees must commit 20 hours a week to HEALTH-FAST programming for 9 months (academic year).

  • Trainees are expected to dedicate about 15 hours a week in supervised research activities with their research mentor and about 5 hours in other program elements.

  • Doctoral trainees are expected to participate in all relevant evaluation activities, including those that span beyond their active participation in the program (e.g., data collection).


Application Components

​NOTE: Your application will not be accepted if any of the following items are missing, unclear, or incomplete. Please read these instructions carefully.


  1. Submit your application via email ( by May 31, 2025 (5:00 PM CST). Include the following documents in one PDF file:

  2. Statement of Purpose, a 2-page description of your education and research background, research and career interests and goals, and fit with the HEALTH–FAST Program. Explain how this program will help you meet your goals. References are not included in the
    2-page limit.

  3. A current Curriculum Vita.

  4. A completed Demographic Information Formaccessible here


Note: A complete Letter of Recommendation from the applicant's major professor/advisor needs to be submitted directly to no later than May 31, 2025 (5:00 PM CST). The Letter of Recommendation needs to be provided on the form available here.


Margins:  0.5 or 1 inch

Format: Single-Spaced

Standard Paper Size:  8.5 x 11

Font Color:  Black

Font Size:  11 or 12 point font

Font Types:  Arial, Times New Roman, or Georgia

Top right corner of each page of the supporting documents must include applicant name & “HEALTH–FAST” (e.g., “Jane Doe — HEALTH–FAST”). 

Application Review Process


Phase 1: Initial Application

  • All application components must be emailed to by May 31, 2025 (5:00 PM CST).

  • Confirmation of receipt and the application decision date will be e-mailed to the applicant within 2 business days after receipt of their application materials.


Phase 2: Interview

  • Finalists will be invited for a video conference interview.

  • Interviews will last up to one hour and will include a discussion of the finalists’ interests
    in substance abuse research, research experience, and long-term career plans.

  • Acceptance decisions will be conveyed via email within 1-2 weeks after the interview.


Application Review Criteria

The HEALTH–FAST program will use the following criteria when reviewing applications:


  1. Relevance: Are the career and research interests of the applicant clearly described in
    the personal statement?

  2. Promise and educational benefit to the applicant’s career development: Will the HEALTH–FAST Program accelerate the applicant's interest in and career development toward transitioning into an independent research career in an area responsive to NIDA funding priorities? Does the applicant have the intellectual experience and work ethic to benefit from the HEALTH–FAST Program?

    • Note: Individuals from low resourced communities, low income households, or first generation college graduates are particularly encouraged to apply.

  3. Resources and Support: Are the applicants' research interests aligned with those of the proposed mentors and existing resources?


Important Information

  • All application documents are due by May 31, 2025. Missing items will result in an incomplete application and will not be reviewed.

  • Refer to the TRAINING page of the website for more information. If you have questions that are not answered by that information, please email

Chemistry Class
Postdoctoral Fellow

Postdoctoral Fellow

Open only to U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents.



[note: click here for a printable pdf of this information]

Program Description

The HEALTH–FAST Program is designed to enhance the education and training of Doctoral Scholars, Postdoctoral fellows, and Early-Stage Investigators (ESIs) in addiction sciences, with
a particular focus on encouraging individuals who are from low-income households, low-resourced communities, or are first-generation college graduates. The program offers cutting-edge educational activities and transformative hands-on research and developmental experiences


Postdoctoral trainees will receive education, methodology, and grant writing experiences that
are designed to facilitate the successful transition into an independent research career in an area responsive to NIDA funding priorities. The HEALTH–FAST Program offers outstanding training opportunities, including:


  • Grant Writing Boot Camp: An intensive 1-month virtual summer immersion program (June 2 - June 27, 2025) to accelerate the development of grant writing skills.

  • HEALTH–FAST Seminars: Scientists across the U.S. are invited to provide Alcohol, Tobacco, and other Drugs (ATOD) seminars that are designed to develop in-depth and cutting-edge knowledge in substance abuse and its associations with chronic diseases.



  • HEALTH–FAST Postdoctoral trainees must have successfully completed a Ph.D., M.D., DSW, DDS, or comparable degree in a health-related field prior to starting the program.

  • Applicants must be specializing or re-specializing in substance abuse research and have a strong interest in tobacco and other drug co-use topics.

  • Applicants must be employed at a U.S. institution of higher education or medical center.

  • This fellowship is only available to U.S. citizens and permanent residents.



  • Postdoctoral trainees receive stipends of $3,000 for their month of participation in the intensive summer program and year-long virtual programming, and an additional $1,000 after the associated grant application is submitted for funding consideration. Additional funds are available for external pre-submission grant reviews during their year of participation in the program.


Terms of the Award

  • Postdoctoral trainees must be willing and available to participate in a virtual, intensive
    1-month summer immersion program and year-long virtual programming.

  • Time-intensive virtual summer programming includes two sessions per day (12.5 hours a week) during the 1-month summer intensive HEALTH–FAST Program (June 2 - June 27, 2025).
  • Postdoctoral trainees are expected to participate in quarterly group consultation and grant support meetings that will take place virtually during the academic year following the summer program.

  • Postdoctoral trainees are expected to submit a grant application for funding consideration by the end of the training year.

  • Postdoctoral trainees are expected to participate in all relevant evaluation activities, including those that span beyond their active participation in the program.


Application Components

​NOTE: Your application will not be accepted if any of the following items are missing, unclear
or incomplete. Please read these instructions carefully.


  1. Submit your application via email ( by April 1, 2025 (5:00 PM CST). Include the following documents in one PDF file:

  2. Statement of Purpose, a 2-page description of your education and research background, research and career interests and goals, and fit with the HEALTH–FAST Program.
    Explain how this program will help you meet your goals. References are not included in
    the 2-page limit.

  3. A Letter of Support from the applicant’s research mentor to ensure this educational opportunity is within the scope of their postdoctoral fellowship.

  4. A current Curriculum Vita.

  5. A draft specific aims page for a grant application to be worked on during and submitted as part of the HEALTH–FAST Program.

  6. A completed Demographic Information Form accessible here


Margins:  0.5 or 1 inch

Format: Single-Spaced

Standard Paper Size:  8.5 x 11

Font Color:  Black

Font Size:  11 or 12 point font

Font Types:  Arial, Times New Roman, or Georgia

Top right corner of each page of the supporting documents must include applicant name & “HEALTH–FAST” (e.g., “Jane Doe — HEALTH–FAST”). 

Application Review Process


Phase 1: Initial Application


Phase 2: Interview

  • Finalists will be invited for a video conference interview with the MPIs (Drs. Obasi
    and Reitzel).

  • Interviews will last up to one hour and will include discussion of the finalists’ interests in substance abuse research, research experience, and long-term career plans.

  • Acceptance decisions will be conveyed via email within 1-2 weeks after the interview.


Application Review Criteria

The HEALTH–FAST program will use the following criteria when reviewing applications:


  1. Relevance: Are the career and research interests of the applicant clearly described in the personal statement?

  2. Promise and educational benefit to the applicant’s career development: Will the
    HEALTH–FAST Program accelerate the applicant's interest in and career development toward transitioning into an independent research career in an area responsive to NIDA funding priorities? Does the applicant have the intellectual experience and work ethic to benefit from the HEALTH-FAST Program?

    • Note: Individuals from low resourced communities, low income households, or first generation college graduates are particularly encouraged to apply.

  3. Resources and Support: Are the applicants' research interests aligned with those of the proposed mentors and existing resources?


Important Information

  • All application documents are due by April 1, 2025. Missing items will result in an incomplete application and will not be reviewed.

  • Refer to the TRAINING page of the website for more information. If you have questions that are not answered by that information, please email

Laboratory Scientist
Earlt Stage Investigator

Early Stage Investigator

Open only to U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents.



[note: click here for a printable pdf of this information]

Program Description

The HEALTH–FAST Program is designed to enhance the education and training of Doctoral Scholars, Postdoctoral fellows, and Early-Stage Investigators (ESIs) in addiction sciences, with
a particular focus on encouraging individuals who are from low-income households, low-resourced communities, or are first-generation college graduates. The program offers cutting-edge educational activities and transformative hands-on research and developmental experiences.


ESI Trainees will receive education, methodology, and grant writing experiences that are designed to facilitate the successful transition into an independent research career in an area responsive to NIDA funding priorities. The HEALTH–FAST Program offers outstanding training opportunities, including:


  • Grant Writing Boot Camp: An intensive 1-month virtual summer immersion program (June 2 - June 27, 2025) to accelerate the development of grant writing skills.

  • HEALTH–FAST Seminars: Scientists across the U.S. are invited to provide Alcohol, Tobacco, and other Drugs (ATOD) seminars that are designed to develop in-depth and cutting-edge knowledge in substance abuse and its associations with chronic diseases.



  • ESI applicants must be faculty members with budgeted research time (e.g., tenured/
    tenure-track faculty, research faculty, etc.) who have a Ph.D., M.D., DSW, DDS or comparable degree in a health-related field.

  • Applicants must be specializing or re-specializing in addictions research and have a strong interest in tobacco and other drug co-use topics.

  • Applicants must be employed at a U.S. institution of higher education or medical center.

  • Applicants must have completed their terminal research degree or end of postdoctoral clinical training, whichever date is later, within the past 10 years.

  • Applicants cannot have previously received a substantial NIH independent research award as a Principal Investigator/Project Director (e.g., R01), but highly competitive applicants will have a history of application for, and potentially receipt of, small grant awards (i.e., R03, R21), (internal) institutional awards, and or foundation funding, etc.

  • This fellowship is only available to U.S. citizens and permanent residents.



  • ESIs receive stipends of $3,000 for their month of participation in the intensive summer program and year-long virtual programming, and an additional $1,000 after the associated grant application is submitted for funding consideration. Additional funds are available for external pre-submission grant reviews during their year of participation in the program.


Terms of the Award

  • ESI Trainees must be willing and available to participate in a virtual, intensive 1-month summer immersion program and year-long virtual programming.

  • Time-intensive virtual summer programming includes two sessions per day (12.5 hours a week) during the 1-month summer intensive HEALTH–FAST Program (June 2 - June 27, 2025).

  • ESI Trainees are expected to participate in quarterly group consultation and grant
    support meetings that will take place virtually during the academic year following the summer program.

  • ESI Trainees are expected to submit a grant application for funding consideration by the
    end of the training year.

  • ESI Trainees are expected to participate in all relevant evaluation activities, including those that span beyond their active participation in the program.


Application Components

​NOTE: Your application will not be accepted if any of the following items are missing, unclear or incomplete. Please read these instructions carefully.


  1. Submit your application via email ( by April1, 2025 (5:00 PM CST). Include the following documents in one PDF file:

  2. Statement of Purpose, a 2-page description of your education and research background, research and career interests and goals, and fit with the HEALTH–FAST Program. Explain how this program will help you meet your goals. References are not included in the
    2-page limit.

  3. A current Curriculum Vita.

  4. A draft specific aims page for a grant application to be worked on during and submitted as part of the HEALTH-FAST Program.

  5. A completed Demographic Information Formaccessible here


Margins:  0.5 or 1 inch

Format: Single-Spaced

Standard Paper Size:  8.5 x 11

Font Color:  Black

Font Size:  11 or 12 point font

Font Types:  Arial, Times New Roman, or Georgia

Top right corner of each page of the supporting documents must include applicant name & “HEALTH–FAST” (e.g., “Jane Doe — HEALTH–FAST”). 

Application Review Process


Phase 1: Initial Application

  • All application components must be emailed to by April 1, 2025 (5:00 PM CST).

  • Confirmation of receipt and the application decision date will be e-mailed to the applicant within 2 business days after receipt of their application materials.


Phase 2: Interview

  • Finalists will be invited for a video conference interview with the MPIs (Drs. Obasi
    and Reitzel).

  • Interviews will last up to one hour and will include discussion of the finalists’ interests in substance abuse research, research experience, and long-term career plans.

  • Acceptance decisions will be conveyed via email within 1-2 weeks after the interview.


Application Review Criteria

The HEALTH–FAST program will use the following criteria when reviewing applications:


  1. Relevance: Are the career and research interests of the applicant clearly described in the personal statement?

  2. Promise and educational benefit to the applicant’s career development: Will the
    HEALTH–FAST Program accelerate the applicant's interest in and career development toward transitioning into an independent research career in an area responsive to NIDA funding priorities? Does the applicant have the intellectual experience and work ethic to benefit from the HEALTH–FAST Program?

    • Note: Individuals from low resourced communities, low income households, or first generation college graduates are particularly encouraged to apply.

  3. Resources and Support: Are the applicants' research interests aligned with those of the proposed mentors and existing resources?


Important Information

  • All application documents are due by April 1, 2025. Missing items will result in an incomplete application and will not be reviewed.

  • Refer to the TRAINING page of the website for more information. If you have questions that are not answered by that information, please email

  • X

Contact Us


© 2021 by the Helping Everyone Achieve a LifeTime of Health–Future Addiction Scientist Training. The NIDA R25 is funded by the National Institutes of Health (R25DA054015).

Helping Everyone Achieve a LifeTime of
Health–Future Addiction Scientist Training
1515 Holcombe Blvd
Houston, TX  

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